张经纶 Jinglun Zhang

合伙人 Partner

张经纶先生是数据库系统和工业管理软件的资深专家,在欧美有超过30年的IT工作经历,是我国最早的研究大型工业数据库系统的专家之一。 张先生是北航文革后第一届大学生、84届硕士,Florida大学访问研究员、博士生; 现任元航资本合伙人,同时亦担任北航硅谷校友会会长,与北航上千名在美国各个高科技领域工作的校友建立了紧密联系。

张先生是中国最早的数据库系统研究专家,国内最早在美国发表数据库论文的专家之一,曾作为中方的技术骨干参与中德合作飞机设计制造管理一体化项目CADEMAS,解决诸多关键技术问题; 曾在多家世界500强任职高级岗位。8年Oracle美国总部主任工程师,主持研发世界闻名的分布式数据库产品并产生数亿美元产值;三星研发部部长,主持研发中心及市场开拓工作;也在世界500强IBM、奔驰MBB、Chrysler等公司工作过。

张先生拥有10年海外自主创业经验,形成诸多核心技术积累; 长期工作和生活在硅谷,一直活跃于硅谷科技圈及投资圈,对美国的法律、文化以及创业和投资生态有深刻的理解和实操经验。并与硅谷诸多的科技创业企业、个人天使和硅谷知名的创投相关机构建立了长期和良好的合作关系。

Mr. Jinglun Zhang is a senior expert at database systems and application software. He is one of the earliest experts researching on database systems and over 30 years of experience in IT industry in Europe and America. He participated in a China-Germany cooperation project CADEMAS for integrating airplane design, manufacturing and management. He held a few senior positions in Fortune Global 500 including Oracle, Samsung and IBM in both technology and management, and accumulated 10 years of entrepreneurship. Mr. Zhang has been living and working in Silicon Valley for over 20 years, and is involved in technology and investment activities in Silicon Valley. Mr. Zhang has a deep understanding and practice experience in American culture, entrepreneurship and investment, built good relationships with local technology startups, angel investors as well as famous venture capitals in Silicon Valley.

Mr. Jinglun Zhang was the first batch of college students admitted to Beihang Universityafter the Cultural Revolution, he got his BS in 1981 and MS in 1984. He was a visiting research with Database Center, University of Florida, USA.
