
About Us




Beijing Essential Investment & Management Co., Ltd.   ( Essential Capital ) is a professional venture capital fund management institution, registered with Asset Management Association of China (AMAC) with code P1023724. Essential Capital was established in July 2015, engaged in venture investment and management of entrusted equity investment funds. Our founders consist of experienced investment experts, industry and IT technology specialists, successful entrepreneurs. Most team members were graduated from Beihang University. The team has over 15 years of experience in investment in the various stages from angel, to PE/VC, to M&A/IPO, and is specialized in technology and enterprise management. Besides, the firm has external consultant teams of scholars from top universities, research institutes, and high-tech companies.

Essential Capital focuses on investment in the areas of hard & core technology, especially in emerging high-tech industries in line with national innovation strategies including new-generation information technology, high-end equipment manufacturing, commercial aeronautics and astronautics, new materials, biomedical engineering and etc.

Essential Capital insists on the strategy of "Technology-driven + Industry Chain Investment + Investment ecological layout”. The investment projects and cases are selected by team members and consultant teams based on targeted investment fields and evaluating results with detailed and careful due diligence. We construct overall competition barrier of investment portfolio through industry collaboration, maximize investment return by comprehensive post-investment value added service.
