张志勇 Alan Zhang

合伙人 Partner


张志勇先生毕业于北京航空航天大学,并获得工程硕士学位。是中国青年天使会创始成员之一,并连续两届担任监事。同时亦担任中关村天使成长营副院长、中关村元和天使投资产业研究会副会长、中关村天使投资联盟副主席,连续两年获选投中集团“2014和2015年度中国最佳天使投资人TOP 30”,中关村天使投资联盟“2016年度最活跃天使投资人TOP30”。张志勇先生还是是央视财经频道“创业英雄汇”资深投资人嘉宾。目前还担任人社部 “中国创翼”创业创新大赛咨询委员会专家和全国评委、教育部中国“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛专家委员会委员、北京航空航天大学经管学院特聘创业导师。 

天使投资的案子包括盒子科技、极客学院、逸香葡萄酒世纪、Ayla Networks(艾拉物联)、释码大华虹膜识别、智造未来机器人、末元科技、万娱引力、全景声科技、微纳星空小卫星、星河动力运载火箭、超视界激光、蛟视科技、深思创芯、航天驭星等,主导或参与的成长期投资案子包括掌趣科技(300315)、中投视讯、博洛尼等。

Mr. Zhang has over thirteen years of experience in angel & VC investment. He is a senior specialist in the investment industry, formerly served as partners of several famous funds. He has accumulated plenty of angel investment experience and he is well-connected with other investors in the VC industry.

Mr. Zhang holds a Master degree in engineering from Beihang Unviversity. He is one of the founding members of China Young Angel Investor Leader Association, where he served as a supervisor in the first and second terms. He is the vice president of Zhongguancun Angel Development Camp, vice chairman of Zhongguancun YuanHe angel investment research association, vice chairman of Zhongguancun Angel Capital Association. Mr. Zhang was awarded as one of Top 30 China Angel Investors by China Venture in 2014 and 2015, one of Top 30 active angel investors by Zhongguancun Angel Capital Association in 2016. Mr. Zhang is a senior investor guest of CCTV program "Entrepreneurial Hero Collect", a national judge and advisory committee’s expert of “China Creative Wings” Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition held by Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, and one of expert judges of China "Internet +" college students innovative entrepreneurial contest held by MOE. Mr. Zhang is a distinguished entrepreneurship adjunct professor in the management college of Beihang University.

He successfully invested several angel projects including iBox Chain, Geeks College, Easescent, Ayla Networks, Eyesmart Tech, Future Wise Robots, Inception Tech, Wavarts Tech, MinoSpace, Galactic Energy, Chaoshijie Laser, Jiaoshi Technology, DeepcreatIC and Satelliteherd. The growth stage projects he led the investment or participated are Our Palm(300315), CN LIVE, Boloni, etc..
